My name is Jesse Holland and I am a candidate for the United States Senate to replace Harry Reid in Nevada. I am a running as a NonPartisan candidate. Apparently as people tend to recede from the party systems that have damaged our country ruthlessly, the media cares not for the people and drives opportunity for the truth, or honest candidates, under the airwave radar. The Democrats are remodeling under a guise of care for the poor and the Republicans are ironically molding themselves as a party of change. In the meantime, Republicats are spending millions of dollars to convince the public of their deceptions. There is nothing official about my request, but to ask if you would view my websites, watch my videos and decide if you could forward my drive as a valid option to those you may know in the country? What ever happened to voting for what is right and not from the best of a few bad apples?
I am a conventional man. My name is Jesse Holland and I am a NonPartisan Candidate for US Senate. I am not a simple guy standing in the corner waiting for direction to move. I am a guy running forward and diligently working to restore our country and state. You can verify this by checking my websites and see for yourself!
Things are getting ugly in America & don't be upset when we see an "October Surprise" just before the November elections to keep the current congress in power.
Pelosi is a RICH elite who supports the invasion of the USA by multi-millions of foreign invaders that are severely harming the USA working-poor citizens.
Pelosi, Obama and a multitude of others are TRAITORS to the USA and its people.
"There's class warfare, all right, Mr. (Warren) Buffett said, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning."
I am niether republican nor democrat..I am unpolitical I guess youd say, but as I sit back and watch all this unfold as a normal blue collar working man....I am utterly disgusted at all politicians..Obama was at least give him support to try to do what he wants to do to help this country. If it were a republican I d say the same thing. Its a big hole to get out of...I believe its cause was greed of the republican party...they seem to want to keep the blue caoolar man down and to keep the rich rich, and the poor poor. We should have never saved the damn banks. They were a large part of this problem. People are blind can you get a bunch of mexican people to vote for a republican ? un fricken believable...until this country gets all incumbants out of office, and starts changing with the times, with new ideas and new ways of thinking we are all in for a rough uphill battle...keep our money in america....the hell with supporting other counties poor. What about our poor? The most powerful country in the world, and we can't even help ourselves..ridiculous....
Yes, things are getting ugly in America & scary. Good article & I might recommend a great book out where Americans stand up to tyranny. Could be history is calling our destiny. I recommend it.
Pelosi thinks she shares views with the Tea Party Express? Out of every politician I cannot think of anyone more at odds with the Tea Party than Nancy Pelosi. What a dumb response lol. I guess the liberals are panicking with less than 2 weeks to go!
Great video!! I know it's old but it goes along with a new book out about Americans actually taking a stand against tyranny. I recommend it & I'm giving a few out for the holidays.
It's about each of us making individual acts (not just voting 1 every 2 yrs.).
I think it's time the Govenors flex their power. Every pansy in office that is scared to speak because they won't get re elected by the oil companies or the unions need to be brought before the people and answer to the people. Govenors are the commander and chief of their national guard. It's time the states pull back the power from the federal government. People give the state, state gives federal. Until that happens and the people get to vote on issues at hand, I'm scared were going to have a bloody revolution. That's terrifying to think our government is letting things get to that point. What will it take to get through to the few traitors that the people are tired Andrew and demand to be listened to. And for you democrats that like to run away you are a coward and a traitor to the people. You should be dealt with the same way a traitor should. Public servants don't think! There not paid to think! There paid to listen to the people and act upon the peoples wishes. I'm ready with my arms! Don't let the US get to that point!
"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." -- Samuel Adams, 1722 - 1803
Please see my blog in response:
My name is Jesse Holland and I am a candidate for the United States Senate to replace Harry Reid in Nevada. I am a running as a NonPartisan candidate. Apparently as people tend to recede from the party systems that have damaged our country ruthlessly, the media cares not for the people and drives opportunity for the truth, or honest candidates, under the airwave radar. The Democrats are remodeling under a guise of care for the poor and the Republicans are ironically molding themselves as a party of change. In the meantime, Republicats are spending millions of dollars to convince the public of their deceptions. There is nothing official about my request, but to ask if you would view my websites, watch my videos and decide if you could forward my drive as a valid option to those you may know in the country? What ever happened to voting for what is right and not from the best of a few bad apples?
I am a conventional man. My name is Jesse Holland and I am a NonPartisan Candidate for US Senate. I am not a simple guy standing in the corner waiting for direction to move. I am a guy running forward and diligently working to restore our country and state. You can verify this by checking my websites and see for yourself!
For non-partisan talk check out:
Things are getting ugly in America & don't be upset when we see an "October Surprise" just before the November elections to keep the current congress in power.
Pelosi is a RICH elite who supports the invasion of the USA by multi-millions of foreign invaders that are severely harming the USA working-poor citizens.
Pelosi, Obama and a multitude of others are TRAITORS to the USA and its people.
"There's class warfare, all right, Mr. (Warren) Buffett said, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning."
Pelosi is a national embarrasment! IT amazes me that she is currently speaker, but that will change.
I am niether republican nor democrat..I am unpolitical I guess youd say, but as I sit back and watch all this unfold as a normal blue collar working man....I am utterly disgusted at all politicians..Obama was at least give him support to try to do what he wants to do to help this country. If it were a republican I d say the same thing. Its a big hole to get out of...I believe its cause was greed of the republican party...they seem to want to keep the blue caoolar man down and to keep the rich rich, and the poor poor. We should have never saved the damn banks. They were a large part of this problem. People are blind can you get a bunch of mexican people to vote for a republican ? un fricken believable...until this country gets all incumbants out of office, and starts changing with the times, with new ideas and new ways of thinking we are all in for a rough uphill battle...keep our money in america....the hell with supporting other counties poor. What about our poor? The most powerful country in the world, and we can't even help ourselves..ridiculous....
Yes, things are getting ugly in America & scary. Good article & I might recommend a great book out where Americans stand up to tyranny. Could be history is calling our destiny. I recommend it.
Pelosi thinks she shares views with the Tea Party Express? Out of every politician I cannot think of anyone more at odds with the Tea Party than Nancy Pelosi. What a dumb response lol. I guess the liberals are panicking with less than 2 weeks to go!
TeaParty elected members of congress are going to have a hard time with the old guard Republicans.
Great video!! I know it's old but it goes along with a new book out about Americans actually taking a stand against tyranny. I recommend it & I'm giving a few out for the holidays.
It's about each of us making individual acts (not just voting 1 every 2 yrs.).
I think it's time the Govenors flex their power. Every pansy in office that is scared to speak because they won't get re elected by the oil companies or the unions need to be brought before the people and answer to the people. Govenors are the commander and chief of their national guard. It's time the states pull back the power from the federal government. People give the state, state gives federal. Until that happens and the people get to vote on issues at hand, I'm scared were going to have a bloody revolution. That's terrifying to think our government is letting things get to that point. What will it take to get through to the few traitors that the people are tired Andrew and demand to be listened to. And for you democrats that like to run away you are a coward and a traitor to the people. You should be dealt with the same way a traitor should. Public servants don't think! There not paid to think! There paid to listen to the people and act upon the peoples wishes. I'm ready with my arms! Don't let the US get to that point!
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