As Obama releases new spending proposals on a daily basis, we have got to make our voices heard by our legislators again and again that we have had enough. I know many people put in a huge effort to contact their senators and Congressmen about the Stimulus Plan, seemingly to no avail. But we cannot let up. In fact, I think we've got to turn the pitch up even higher. Our government leaders are aware that we have reached the point of bailout and spending fatigue. We have lost track of the unthinkable amount of money Obama plans to spend on unending social engineering and projects aimed at Democrat constituencies. Our leaders also know that we do not have the money for this. Even the Democrats are starting to get fidgety. They are beginning to question Obama's power grabs with his czars over which the Senate has no control. While Obama's polls remain high, although average for someone in office for a little over a month, his base of independent voter support, which got him elected, is eroding.
This is why it is crucial that we do not stop with our efforts. Go onto Michelle Malkin's site (under my blogroll) and sign up for a tea party event taking place near you. Keep the pressure on your legislators, even at the state level. Join The Patriotic Resistance at, where they are planning a huge march in DC later this summer. Organize and inform friends. Start a blog. The squeaky wheel gets the oil. We cannot stop, for we are reaching a critical point from which our nation may not recover in our lifetime. America, It is Time To Revolt! I guarantee you that if you don't do SOMETHING to stop the lunacy, you will regret it.
Alrighty Then!
1 month ago
What are you talking about? You make no sense.
If you don't get it, then it's not for you to worry about.
JC - This is one of the most well layed out, insiteful blogs that I read......what can't you understand? Are you aware that a wanna-be Communist, really a Socialist, disguised as a Democrat was just elected to office? Have you noticed that he is rapidly spending this country into financial ruin? Have you heard that he has softened or even removed some of the security measures that have kept us safe for 7 years? If you are referring to these irresponsible it doesn't make sense.
I have to agree, Kathy (and thanks for the kudos!). Nothing that this administration does makes sense to rationale people. I wonder if Obama even checks the Dow to see what the markets think of him every time he opens his mouth. It is beyond appalling.
Please articulate what you don't understand. I want to understand your thoughts. Let's discuss & least on this blog we'll try to listen to each other and offer differing points of view in a civil manner. This is much better than what our Congress is doing, isn't it.
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