Events, diplomatic relations, and headlines of late clearly show that Israel is being pushed farther and farther into a corner. Hillary admonishes them for not following the "road map" to peace with the Palestinians. Obama signs a big fat $900 million check to rebuild Gaza, with no way to control whether Hamas will get it's hands on the money. Russia is wheeling and dealing with Iran to provide missile defenses, all the while laughing at Obama's overtures to "talk it over" first. Iran continues to squeal that Israel must be wiped off the face of the earth, and now we learn that they may have enough material to make not one, but 50 nukes, and within a year. With unapologetic hard-liner Benjamin Netanyahu about to take the helm, will Israel wait for outside forces to gather beyond their control? My guess is no, as their options are becoming more limited by the day.
This article from the Jerusalem Post demonstrates the growing likelihood that Israel will take action, and perhaps in the not so distant future.
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If you want to test the true power of the Obama "dialogue approach", do this. The next time an armed mugger confronts you at an ATM, and demands your wallet, try talking him out of it.
Yes, while Obama operates under the delusional assumption that Sade's hit song "Smooth Operator" is all about him (and shouldn't all the world take notice!), his theme song is more akin to Carly Simon's "You're So Vain". He's the smug prom king showing up in a blue polyester tuxedo, only to realize that he's actually at the Biker's Ball. Oops.
while both your comments and undertakers comments are, in a word, priceless, the idea that Israel, the only democracy in middle asia, and the only TRUE FRIEND this country of ours has, is being forced to fend for itself is both disheartening and frightening.
Mr. Smooth Operator has shown himself to our allies and our enemies that he is not to be trusted. Forcing the hands of your friends in deference to your (and your friends) enemies ultimately does no one any real good.
And no good can result from it.
Amen to that Stuart.
I fear Eric Holder may be partially correct in his assessment that 'Americans are cowards". America intends to stand back and let tiny Israel do the nuking of Iran, then play the role of being horrified, then seek to do the parley act AFTER Israel has been denounced world wide.That's safe diplomacy!,but a rotten friend and ally!
No. I don't even remotely believe that Americans are cowards. I believe our government is infested with both well-meaning, well-intentioned folk, as well as low-down scum, on all sides of the political spectrum, that are in it not for the sake of, nor working within the confines and with the consent of the governed. like bho, they're working to advance their own agenda. and working to succeed at all costs.
my big fear is that the current administration will do more to damage the constitution, OUR republic, and relationships we have with TRUE FRIENDS than any president in history. and bho, et. al. are well on their way to achieving that goal.
Israel is a special case. I said before she's the only true friend we have. but it goes beyond that. we share common principles and goals for both our peoples, government and economy (freedom, democratic principles, open and free economy, three branches of government, highly advanced technological sectors, etc). Forcing a country... no. Forcing a friend and ally, whose total land mass is smaller than New Jersey to fend for itself does several things:
1. it shows that the United States of American cannot be relied on when needed.
2. it pushes the Israelis backs even farther against a wall of, what, a billion Muslims, waiting with scimitars, swords, ak-47s and Iranian bombs to kill them
3. it shows that our government, starting at the top, by way of the state department and the Witch from Westchester, is not truly concerned with keeping their word. honesty and integrity count for nothing.
Sorry. I'll stop my rant by saying this: Obama and his minions need to wise up, understand what it is they're doing to the US and her allies, and learn from their mistakes. truthfully, i don't see it happening. the putrefying stench of their collective arrogance has become overwhelming and dangerous.
The Obama Administration is doing the smart thing by working with Syria, Palestine, et al so as to acquire legitimacy in the region and to eventually dissuade Iran from their current nuclear mission.
while most civilized folk would agree that talking about "our differences" is a reasonable and rational thing to do, our muslim arab and persian brethren don't see it that way.
talk is cheap. diplomatic talk is cheaper. and significantly less realistic. our muslim brethren, from istanbul to indonesia see all this negotiating as a sign of "American weakness".
I believe its the wrong image to portray to the world. he's begun already with public negotiating with Russia, a patently stupid gambit.
this American has no faith in the current administration and our congressional leaders; and believes little good will come from negotiations with Iran (or Syria or Hezbullah or Hamas, as the Witch from Westchester is beginning to do).
while I'll not call our fearless and feckless leader a quisling yet, he is showing the same appeasement policies that were Neville Chamberlain's in the 1930s, when dealing with Nazi Germany.
Stuart, I am in complete agreement with you. BHO's foreign policies are so naive as to border on reckless. Israel deserves our utmost support and I feel for her and her people, who have been abandoned by this administration, if not by the American people as a whole. It is a disgrace and it will come back to haunt us. By not standing firmly by Israel, BHO is inviting WWIII. When Israel hits Iran, how are the powers going to line up? Russia with Iran. The US and Europe with ?None of this bodes well for any of us.
How can his policies be wrong? His approval rating remains sky-high.
another lemming headed towards the sea.
just because someone is popular with the masses doesn't mean that what they're doing is right and good and decent and honorable. it simply means he's popular among the masses. period.
this is why we have a representative republic. not a true democracy. can you imagine?
apropos to my ranting of yesterday, on the recent turn in America's treatment of our TRUE FRIEND and ally, Israel, here's an interesting tidbit from Caroline Glick - Jerusalem Post. Excellent writer, Ms. Glick...
Click here to read the article.
SP66, Ahmadinejad will not be dissuaded by dialogue. His hallucination about becoming a Nuclear power is firmly ingrained and he cannot get past that. As for an approval rating, I do not place much stock in ratings made by people who have no understanding of economics, civics, history, or government and politics. The MSM has successfully marketed a lemon with no experience. Voting "present" does not count as either experience or expertise.
Stuart, That is one eye-opening article. I feel safer already with these idiots in charge of our welfare. God help Israel. God help us all.
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