I hear a low rumble across the land, a steady build-up of steam that grows with each passing day. It began with the same sounds of discontent heard across America every four years by those unhappy with the results of an election that decides who will become President. But something is different this time, after this short post-inaugural period, that defies precedent. Whilst half of the nation moves ahead with either blind hope, complete ignorance, or inward glee at how our country is being "fundamentally transformed" as Obama promised he would, the remaining populace, whose views are ignored by the main stream media outlets, slowly boils. Every move made by this administration and this Congress in its 4 week infancy adds fuel to the fire.
The hopes that Obama would govern from the center, in spite of his past, have been dashed. Talk of transparency, of the most ethical White House ever, of a post-partisan leadership style that would reach across the aisle, of centrist campaign themes to woo moderates, all dashed. Just Words! Just Speeches! Obama mocked talk of his "social-is-tic" views during the campaign, and yet to those who know history, his actions speak oh-so-loudly of his core beliefs. Within his first 28 days in office, our new President has laid the framework for universal healthcare, redistribution of income, increased entitlement programs, decreased national security, and most of all, big government spending with trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see. All the while, the sickly economy from which The One was to save us, reels in response to his every move.
Meanwhile, those whom the media chooses to ignore, those who see the writing on the wall in bright red ink, are filled with a sense of dread. They know these are not normal times, that theirs is not normal partisan angst. They sense a cataclysmic shift in the very foundation of the government, from which the country may never recover. They are angry, scared, confused; they feel powerless, their views unrepresented. And as the scope and power of their feelings grow by the day, so do their numbers, as more people take off the rose colored glassed and actually look over the precipice to which we are being led.
They know what others before them in history have done to alter the course of their fates. But they are, as of yet, unsure of what to do, how to act. There comes a time when one realizes that not to act is to acquiesce, and subsequently burden one's children and grandchildren with the consequences of one's failure to make a stand. At what point, if ever, will the courage of the disaffected kick in? An eruption is brewing. We have the power to harness it's energy with coordinated effort, or we can let it explode unchecked and let the chips fall where they may.
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Great article and I agree - my question is, "What should I do"????? I've written and called nonstop to my (very BO-supportive) representatives and have received only form letter responses. I forward emails, write to the newspaper (one letter printed), what else? I feel truly befuddled by the blind, ignorant faith so many seem content to follow. BO seems untouchable - why isn't ANYONE questioning his campaign rhetoric vs his 28-day actions?
I totally agree, and I know the time is coming and coming on a highspeed train. I remember in our past a certain group of people that felt as so many of us are feeling now, there was a party of sorts in the boston harbor. I know it is coming. I for one am fed up with "taxation without representation". There are alot of people I know and the number is growing that are as fed up as I am. This has got to stop. We can no longer support this type of leadership. We need a leader that has our, "The American People" beliefs and morals and wants to protect what all of us hold so dear. I for one am preparing now. It will get much worse before it ever even hints on getting better.
I also agree that this is becoming very much a "taxation without representation" issue. Living in Texas, I started thinking secession when the original "bailout" bill contents came to light. But, this is my country, and I happen to love it the way it has been. There are too many people that want only what they can take from someone else. That's not America! My family thinks I'm nuts, but I am beginning to see a sleeping giant waking.
here here!!! What should we be doing? My guess is that we need to be doing our own version of Community organizing, a grassroots effort yo unite like-minded people int action. at the very least, we would know with whom we stand.
A storm is brewing, so keep posted as opportunities to act may present themselves. What shape or form, or when, I don't know. Just be prepared. Grass roots organizing is the best thing I can think to do right now. 2010 is not far away, and we need viable candidates to throw our support behind. Working on campaigns is fun and you can spend as little or as much time as you can spare, and work on projects that suit your personality best, whether it's calling people, putting up signs, organizing volunteers, manning a front desk, or whatever. Just do something; I can tell you from experience that it's great to work with like minded people for a cause you believe in.
Check out grassfire.org - plenty of links there. ALso, this is an official community of the resistance:
Great resource anon- thanks. I encourage everyone to sign up if you would like to act upon your concerns in a civil patriotic way.
I hear that "The Minute Men" are starting to form. This can't be a good sign.
Mad Mom, great article! I am going to start putting some pressure on my local politicians to take a stand and then call them on it in 2010. Anon, thanks for the link. Engage your friends and neighbors in a dialogue about what is happening, and get them motivated to take part. We have to have a political tsunami in 2010 and 2012. The alternative would be unthinkable.
Absolutely undertaker. NOW is the time to set the ball in motion, and it's got to come from the people. From every one us, taking a little time to make a difference.
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